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Electronically registering my vehicle via the E705 application

Persons liable to VAT are obliged to submit their application in order to obtain the E705 via the E705 application, whereas private individuals are allowed to do so.

You can submit your application in one of the three national languages (French, Dutch or German). The file will then be processed in accordance with the use of languages in administrative matters. We have a legal deadline of 120 days to process your application. If the decision is unfavourable, the relevant customs office will contact you again.

 Here you will find the manual for obtaining an E705 (PDF, 4.17 MB).

This English translation of the FAQ is available for information purposes. Only the versions in the national languages of the country are binding.

  • What is an E705?

    An E705 is an electronic signal enabling the DIV (Vehicle Registration Directorate - FPS Mobility and Transport) to check that the vehicle is on Belgian territory on a regular basis when applying for a registration plate.

  • How much does it cost to obtain the E705 signal?

    Administrative formalities are completely free of charge.

  • Which documents do I need in order to apply for an E705?

    Purchase in a European Union country other than Belgium: purchase invoice (or sale contract between private individuals), latest vehicle registration certificate and identity document.

    Moving from another EU country: proof of ownership of the vehicle, vehicle registration certificate (normally established in your name) and identity document.

    Importation from a third (non-EU) country: import declaration (to be requested via a Customs representative), proof of ownership of the vehicle, latest vehicle registration certificate and identity document.

  • What do foreign registration certificates look like?

    More information in this regard can be found on the European Council website.

  • How can I make a declaration on behalf of a company (the one where I’m employed)?

    In order to be able to apply for E705 on behalf of a company, you must first obtain the necessary role for this. You will already find some information about this in our manual. If you have any further questions about the roles, please send them to the following e-mail address:

  • How do I apply for E705 for a third party?

    In order to be able to apply for E705 on behalf of a third party (for instance, your client), you must first obtain a mandate from that third party. You will already find some information about this in our manual. If you have any further questions about the mandates, please send them to the following e-mail address:

  • How to apply for E705?

    Applying for E705 can be very easily carried out via MyMinfin. If necessary, you can find the user manual in this regard at the following address.

  • What should I do if the brand of my vehicle is not mentioned in the pull-down menu?

    You can choose the "other" option in the pull-down menu and then indicate the brand of your vehicle.

  • I can’t send any enclosed documents with my application. Why?

    Sending any additional documents with your application can only be done in step 6.

    The place where you can add an enclosed document is as follows :

    In order to add a file, click on “Choisir un fichier/Choose a file” next to the relevant line. Please note that only files in PDF format are allowed for archiving purposes. This information is also present in the application in the tooltip (highlighted in yellow here):

  • My personal data (which is automatically entered and cannot be changed) as a declarant is incomplete or incorrect. What must I do?

    Incomplete data in the “declarant” part of the application will prevent your E705 from being entered. In order to remedy this problem, it is therefore advisable to have this data completed. In the event of error(s) in these data, it is also useful to have them modified so that your application is as correct as possible (this will also avoid a validation refusal).

    To proceed with the modification or completion of your data, simply send an email to with your complete data. A confirmation email will then be sent to you and you can then submit your E705 application.

  • I made a mistake when I applied for E705. How can I rectify this?

    It is not possible for you to modify your application. The only solution, in this case, is to contact the relevant Customs and Excise office on which you depend. You will find their contact details at the bottom of the page on the first screen of the E705 application:

    Then send an e-mail to the relevant office, mentioning the file number of your application as well as the mistake you have made. A Customs officer will then take care of modifying your application before validating it.

  • Where can I find the document “Aperçu des données validées pour un signal E705 /Overview of validated data for an E705 signal” after validation?

    In order to find this document, you must first log in to the website MyMinfin.

    Once you’re logged in, click on the tab “MA DECLARATION/MY RETURN”:

    Then go to the tab “Déclarer un Véhicule (E705)/Declaring a Vehicle (E705)”:

    Then you just have to click on “Consulter mon historique /Consult my history”. You will then have access to all your history. For each application you have filed, it contains the following information: creation date, chassis number, brand, commercial name and the status of your application. This one can be either new or approved. For approved E705 applications, a small “Télécharger/Download” button will be available. This button allows you to obtain a PDF file containing an “Aperçu des données validées pour un E705/Overview of validated data for an E705”.

  • What to do if the E705 application returns an error message?

    If you get an error message when submitting your E705 application, you can contact the PLDA Helpdesk at the following e-mail address: “” and mention the following information:

    • Which Web browser did you use (also indicate its version number)?
    • What is the national register number of the person who submitted the E705 application?
    • What is the chassis number of the vehicle to which the E705 application relates?
    • Indicate whether the E705 application is made as a private individual or as a company
    • Send attached a screen shot of the error message that appears on the screen,
    • Specify the date and time you receive the error message,
    • Finally, send attached any documents that you consider relevant to your request.
  • How long does it take to validate my E705 application?

    There is no fixed time limit for an application to be processed. It can vary from a few hours to several weeks depending on the complexity of the file.

  • How long is an E705 valid for?

    An E705 remains valid as long as the situation of the vehicle remains unchanged. The cases where a (new) application for E705 should be carried out are as follows:

    • Registration in Belgium of a vehicle with an unused E705 after registration in another country.
    • A vehicle not yet registered, initially acquired in Belgium, is the subject of a new import or intra-Community acquisition in Belgium.
  • What must I do once I have obtained an E705?

    The work of the Customs authorities is then finished. All you have to do now is contact the DIV to obtain your registration. For more information, please consult

  • How can I take my vehicle to the technical inspection after obtaining the E705?

    Customs authorities are not competent in this matter. You will find more information in this regard on and

  • I'm stuck at the technical inspection department because of an error in the E705. What must I do?

    An error in the E705 cannot normally block your file at the technical inspection.

    Indeed, the data from the E705 are not shared with this service but only with the DIV. The only information a technical inspection office can consult is the data that you provide in the document “Aperçu des données validées pour un E705 /Overview of validated data for an E705”. This document, as its name suggests, is only an overview of the data that has been validated. Therefore, without the correct electronic signal, this document has no legal value. Technical inspection cannot thus be refused on this basis alone.

    However, please note: if the technical inspection office detects an error in the E705, do not hesitate to report it to your local Customs and Excise office in order to have the signal rectified. Indeed, an error in the signal, particularly regarding the chassis number, could cause a problem when applying for registration at the DIV.

  • Where can I obtain the registration application form of a vehicle (pink document)?

    For any information concerning the registration application form, please contact the DIV (FPS Mobility and Transport).

  • What is pre-registration and how do I do it?

    Customs authorities are not competent in that matter. The DIV is in charge thereof. For more information, please consult:

  • What should I do if my file is blocked at the DIV?

    In this case, it is best to contact the DIV department directly. For more information, please consult: